Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dog safe Easter treats at Bark Avenue Brighton

Like most pet owners, you probably know by now that chocolate is toxic to dogs.

Theobromine is the toxic chemical in chocolate that causes the problem and the amount varies according to the type and quality of chocolate. Even a small amount of high quality dark chocolate eaten by a dog can cause clinical signs such as restlessness, vomiting, tremors and convulsions. Dogs love the taste of chocolate, so this Easter remember not too let your dog near your chocolate Easter goodies. Even a small piece of chocolate will give your pet a taste for chocolate, and would make a serious accident in the future all the more likely.

However your dog can still be part of the Easter celebrations with carob Easter treats. Carob is similar to chocolate, but without the sugar, and the ingredients that are bad for pets.

We have lots of packs to choose from - the most popular being the Carob Donuts.

Bark Avenue is open all Easter long weekend, so feel free to drop by and pick up a little something for your pet to nibble on!

*If you think your dog may have found and eaten a harmful amount of chocolate, call your veterinarian or take your dog to an emergency animal hospital immediately! Symptoms will usually begin within two hours but sometimes it could also take as long as 24 hours. Delaying treatment could be a fatal mistake. Symptoms include restlessness, hyperactivity, vomiting and diarrhea, excessive thirst, increased urination, a rapid heart rate and excessive panting, more advanced symptoms can include muscle tremors, stiffness, seizures, Cardiac arrhythmia and coma. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bark Avenue gets cute pug visitor!

This is Richard - he's 13 weeks old. How cute does he look in an Adidog top!He was also lucky enough to get a squirrel toy to take home. He couldn't wait to get home to play with it though.
Hope to see you again soon Richard!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Diamonds are a dogs best friend

Meet Soli the dog, he goes to work with his jewelery store owners everyday. One day he decided to see what diamonds taste like. Expensive taste!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bark Avenue in the paper!

We are all pretty chuffed we got a mention in the Advertiser yesterday. We also adore the cute doggy models from the Animal Welfare League. Bark Avenue are firm believers in the adoption option. Thinking of getting a pet? Check out all the cuties at the Animal Welfare League.